Rays Index and Joe Rays Fan is a proud partner of JoeBucsFan.com.
Rays Index is the premiere independent sports blog that covers The Tampa Bay Rays professional baseball club as well as their minor league affiliates.
Rays Index was:
- …a recipient of a “2011 Best of the Bay” award. [September, 2011]
- …the subject of a cover story in the Tampa Bay Business Journal. [July 15, 2010]
- …mentioned in the Sports Illustrated “2007 Baseball Preview”. [March 26, 2007]
In addition to regular radio and television appearances by Cork Gaines, Rays Index…
- has been referenced on the New York Times website. [NYTimes.com]
- has been referenced in seven stories and quoted twice in columns on ESPN.com
- has been referenced in numerous stories for the St. Pete Times including:
- ESPN blogger/host Berthiaume: Tampa Bay Rays ‘must be moved’ [St. Pete Times]
- Shooting from the lip [St. Pete Times]
- “For Rays, it’s the day after” [St. Pete Times]
- “Gabe Kapler fits several needs for Tampa Bay Rays” [St. Pete Times]
- “Tampa Bay Rays Tales: Don’t mess with Zorilla” [St. Pete Times]
- “Just a taste of the majors would make hard work worth it for Tampa Bay Rays’ Weber” [St. Pete Times]
- has been referenced on the preeminent sport blog The Big Lead more than 20 times, including:
- “Troy Percival Will Not Sit Idly As You Steal a Foul Ball From One of His Teammates” [The Big Lead]
- “JC Romero Tested Positive Twice for a Banned Substance and Still Pitched in the World Series? Of Course the Phillies Title is Tainted” [The Big Lead]
- “Taking Keyshawn and Scoop Jackson Down a Peg” [The Big Lead]
- “Do You Understand The Words That Are Coming Out Of Carl Crawford’s Mouth?” [The Big Lead]
- “A Reason Besides Scott Kazmir to Like the Devil Rays” [The Big Lead]
- “Round 8: Blog vs. Newspaper” [The Big Lead]
- has been referenced on Deadspin.com, more than 30 times, including:
- “Be Sure Your Child Wears Earmuffs If Troy Percival Approaches Your Section” [Deadspin]
- “Scoop Jackson’s Column Continues to Offend; Jason Whitlock Demands Swift Editorial Execution” [Deadspin]
- “How are Mets fans dealing with the Scott Kazmir extension?” [Deadspin]
- “Baseball Season Preview: Tampa Bay Devil Rays” [Deadspin]
- “Wait, Who’s Teaching Whom Here?” [Deadspin]
- “The Devil Rays Suddenly Have A Fan” [Deadspin]
- “Delmon Young…Still A Dick” [Deadspin]
- “The Delmon Young Bat Flip-Out” [Deadspin]
Cork Gaines, the lead writer for Rays Index, is a co-author of “The Hardball Times 2007 Season Preview,” “The Hardball Times Season Preview 2008” and “The Hardball Times Season Preview 2009”
Cork Gaines is a regular contributor at BusinessInsider.com and formerly was a regular contributor at MLB Trade Rumors. He has appeared as a guest writer on Yahoo! Sports, Deadspin and The Hardball Times.
Cork Gaines was named the recipient of the “2006 David Bloom Award“