The Mets have announced that they have signed Tim Tebow to a minor league contract.
This seems significant just because of the gamut of emotions I have gone through as a Rays fans over the last few weeks. It went something like this:
- Tim Tebow wants to play baseball! He’ll be awful, but that’s OK, because half of the low-level minor leaguers are just roster fillers anyway and this will be good for one hard-working minor league team. They’ll sell tickets and jerseys and will get a much-deserved bump. Besides, the baseball writers deserve this. They have never had a Tebowmania or a Linsanity or a Johnny Football. With Tebow, the national MLB writers finally get their easy viral story.
- Oh no! The Tampa Bay Rays are going to send a high-level talent evaluator to Tebow’s glorified workout, which they are calling a “showcase.” It is all fun and games until your team gets involved.
- Tebow looked really bad in his showcase. Yikes, this could be embarrassing for him. I’m not sure I want to see this now. But somebody is going to sign him. It makes too much sense not to.
- Oh god, the Rays may still sign Tim Tebow. Please don’t let it be the Rays. Floridians love Tebow. He would sell a ton of tickets. This can’t be happening.
- Oh? The Braves are interested in signing Tebow?! That’s good. Actually makes more sense for Tebow to go to the Braves, since he is from Jacksonville and went to the University of Florida. That is still big Braves country up there.
- Thank goodness! The Mets have signed Tim Tebow.
P.S. There is a small part of me that is disappointed it is not the Rays.

There were at least 3 comments here. Where did they go?
I'm certain mine was censured by Silverman.