With the renovations to the center field area of Tropicana Field, it appears that it has impacted how the game is shown on television.
Twitter user @DHTampa first noticed that something seemed off.
Here is a how the Sun Sports broadcast appeared last September (left) as compared to Opening Day this afternoon (right). It appears that the camera is now up higher and pointing down at a more of an angle. Notice how we can’t see as many fans this season (click on image for a larger version).
The camera is also zoomed in closer although I would need to go back and look at more games to see how consistent that aspect is.
To give an even better sense of the change, here is the same image with the bottom rail added to the 2013 screen (the bottom rail is not visible through the online broadcast).
On a side not, also notice that Sun is using a new scorebug this season and has moved it to the bottom of the screen. It’s a nice upgrade if you ask me.

Score on bottom not good if, like me, you listen to Dave and Andy with the tv muted which then covers the
Just turn the volume all the way down. This way the mute icon will not be on the screen. That is what I do.
Maybe now I won't have to see that old lady that always wears a glittery top behind home plate and is up and down constantly every inning of the game